Tuesday, January 10, 2012

My first day of work in...

I don't even know how long.  Being overseas with Marshall is one of the greatest blessings to me.  I get to spend everyday with the main man in my life.  With it is also a cost.  As a lot of you overseas spouses know, you kind of lose your sense of identity a little bit.  You no longer have your job, your car, your belongings, your friends, family, hang outs, comfort zones.... everything pretty much stays put in the U.S.

For me, I would give up anything to be with him and for him to not be deployed.  That's ridiculously scary territory and knowing what his job is... I'd prefer to keep him close to me.  So you adjust.  You make do.  You try to fit in and adapt... make new friends and try to read foreign food labels so you can cook dinner.  Don't get me wrong, we are extremely lucky to be able to experience other cultures and live in beautiful places.  Its amazing and I am definitely grateful for that aspect.  

But you still have your day to days.  Where you have to make yourself do something productive instead of just laying around watching Desperate Housewives online.  You really don't have that good friend to call and go to the mall with and to lunch.  And for me, its borderline impossible to get a job because of the work permit allowances in Malta.  As far as embassy jobs, a family member always out ranks me, so I'm dropped there as well.  

Thank goodness for my friend Heather who works for an event planning company and posted about needing part time help.  I went in for an interview and was accepted into their team.  It's an awesome company that hosts a wide variety of events for companies and businesses traveling to Malta.  Today I got called to work!  WOOO HOOOO!!  Not working in a few years definitely hinders your normal purchases and its been a huge sacrifice for me.  But I'm so glad to be doing something here and there.  

What we did today was hold a team building exercise down on the beach for a Swedish Company.  There were about 130 people (99% men), but very diverse nationalities.  We gave each team (13 total) 3 decent size pieces of cardboard, a bunch of plastic, two wooden oars, and tape... and they had to make a boat out of that.  Each team then had to have 1-2 people go in the boat and around a buoy and then back.  We gave them points on how fast they were, originality, and team logo design.  It was funny watching them try to figure out what to do.  It also was super windy and freezing out, so I give a lot of credit to those who got in the water.  

 (this is just a random picture I found online... I didnt take any today)

My job?  I had to help the rest of the team set everything up, help with questions during the event, and then tear down at the end and clean up.  It was soooo great to be around people and be social.  I loved it.  Not a bad day in the office at all.  I hope they call me again for more events.  I know winter is pretty slow, but hearing about all the fun stuff they do in the summer has me excited :)  Its great to feel like a person again!  Or to have purpose :)  

I'm also trying to get involved in the refugee camp here.  They are super picky about who they allow to volunteer which is weird to me, but I'm trying to get in.  I'd love to volunteer at least once a week and I know Marshall wants to go as well.  So I think that will help to.  

I hope you are having a great start to your week!!  Sending big hugs to all my friends overseas who might need one today!!!  xoxo
Tim Tebow.

I thought I would post some random facts about Tim Tebow because he is such a hot name right now.  Well more than just a hot name, but you know what i mean ;)  I think its stinkin amazing how this man proclaims his love for Jesus and his dedication to his faith.  I think its cool that he doesnt do things to draw attention for himself, but because he genuinely just wants to say thanks to the Lord or pray before a game.  He is who is he...and he isnt afraid to stand up for what he believes in.  He is passionate and humble.  Always giving praise to everyone else.  I think we could learn so much from watching how Tim lives his life.  He is definitely an inspiration to me!  

The hot quarterback was recently linked to Olympic skier Lindsey Vonn, but quickly denied the rumor.
Tebow is single!

Deeply religious, Tim has made a personal, public declaration — he’s a virgin.

Tim spends a lot of his off-time at the hospital with sick kids.

Tim, a Heisman Trophy winner, doesn’t take himself too seriously. The 24-year-old’s funny outtakes can be seen on his DVD, “Everything in Between.”

The youngest of five children, Tebow was born in Makati City in the Philippines, to American parents who at the time were serving as Christian Baptist missionaries.

Doctors told Tim’s mother not to go through with the pregnancy due to life-threatening complications, but of course, she refused… and a talented athlete was born. 

Tebow was homeschooled by his mother, who worked to instill the family’s Christian beliefs. When the family moved to Jacksonville, Florida, Tebow was allowed to play football for Nease High School, under a law that specifies homeschooled students may participate on the team of the local school in the school district in which they live.

As one of the most highly recruited quarterback prospects in the nation, Tebow received an athletic scholarship to attend the University of Florida from 
2006 to 2009.

Tebow was awarded the Heisman Trophy in 2007.
In 2010, a new rule for the next NCAA football season, dubbed “The Tebow Rule” by media, banned messages on eye paint. Tebow frequently wore references to biblical verses on his eye black, which resulted in huge Google searches during or shortly after the game.

When Tim Tebow wore John 3:16 on his eye black to a certain game, over 92 million people looked that verse up on Google. That means over 92 million people heard the Gospel just because one man took a stand!!  

Tebow was drafted by the Denver Broncos in 2010, and on July 29, signed a five-year contract with the Broncos that had a base value of $11.25 million. In 
2011, he became the team’s starting quarterback.

With his unorthodox skillset, frequent expressions of religion, and ability to help his team win, Tebow has attracted unprecedented praise, criticism, and 
attention from the sports media and beyond.

After Sunday's game...  It also set a Twitter record. Presumably after the touchdown, although it doesn’t clarify, Twitter had a record 9,420 tweets per second about Tebow. That’s the highest ever for a sporting event. (If that’s for the entire game, that’s even more impressive.)
For perspective, that’s more tweets per second than for the Royal Wedding (3,966), the raid on the compound where Osama Bin Laden was killed (5,106) and Steve Jobs’ death (6,049).

 Won’t you be his neighbor? Tebow was recently voted the best celebrity neighbor for 2012, with 11 percent of voters saying they'd like to see him pull up in the next driveway. Tebow edged some A-list names for the honors: Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt (10 percent), and Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux (9 percent of the vote).

I feel like the more I read about him, the more I love the guy.  What a stud!  I dont know if you read this or not, but one of Tim's favorite scriptures is John 3:16.  This past Sunday when they beat the Steelers in OT, Tim threw for 316 yards and averaged 31.6 yards per 10 completed passes.  If that isn't an awesome God testimony I don't know what is!!  I'm definitely rooting for the Broncos this year to win the Super Bowl!!

One more thing I love.  Check out this article...