Recipe Newbies...
I can't believe at the end of my monthly resolution I miss two days of blogging. Marshall and I were up late this weekend and by the time we went to sleep I had no energy to think of a blog. Last night we played poker at our house. We LOVE to play but can never find enough people. So last night we finally had a game! I will say the second game Marshall and I came in first and second place! :) Woo Hoo!
Anyways, here are a few recipes from the weekend. Enjoy!!
This cupcake is something I just randomly came up with. Its nothing special, but tastes absolutely amazing!!! I used a carmel cake mix and made it into cupcakes. Frosted with a cream cheese frosting... (used an icing bag and puff pastry tip). And then drizzled carmel on top of them... followed by broken up snickers bars! Quick, easy, and to die for!!
Oh, and I also sprinkled some food glitter in gold on the top. I'm obsessed with it. Makes everything so much more fun! :) |
This next recipe was from Pinterest and its a Coconut Chicken with Sweet Chili dipping sauce. You can find the original link here.
This recipe is just about the same as frying chicken. First beat 2 eggs with 1/4 cup coconut milk.
Then put some flour in a bowl with like a teaspoon of salt. And your third bowl is 1 cup of panko bread crumbs and 1 cup of shredded coconut. I tossed the coconut in the food processor to try and shred it a little more. Its up to you. Also, I had to add a bit more panko bread crumbs and coconut to finish my chicken. I had a pound and a half.
You will also want to put some oil in your skillet so it can start heating up. Then cut your chicken breasts diagonally to help having short pieces on all the ends. I sort of did that. :)
Now you do the triple coat. I find it easier to do the flour first for all the chicken, and then go back and do the other two together. I hate when my fingers are coated inches thick with goop. Just a personal preference that I find easier. :)
So as you are coating the chicken and when the oil is hot enough (tossing flour in should make it sizzle), start adding your chicken. Remember to not add too many pieces because it reduces the heat of the oil. Cook on medium heat flipping occasionally until both sides are golden brown. You can always cut a slit in one to check if its done. As the chicken becomes ready to remove, place the pieces on paper towels. You will probably need to add more oil too.
I have no idea why this picture keeps loading sideways... :( |
And ta da! I bought the sweet chili sauce from the store. I'm sure you could make it but ehhh... this was much easier! Marshall and I both LOOOOVED this recipe and will definitely be making it often! I asked him what he wanted with the chicken... Thai coconut noodles (recipe I found) or french fries. Well, next time I want to try the noodles with it. :)
The next recipe I made is the Pizza Dip. You can find the original recipe here. As silly as this sounds, I was doing a hundred things at once in the kitchen and just so happened to forget to add the PIZZA SAUCE to this recipe. But, it was still really good and I didn't even realize it until it was half gone. So not a total fail! :)
First mix these together:
4 ounces cream cheese, room temperature
1/4 cup sour cream
1/4 cup mayonnaise
1/2 cup mozzarella, grated
1/4 cup parmigiano reggiano (parmesan), grated
Then you spread the mixture into the bottom of a pie plate.
After this mixture is spread into the pan, you are supposed to put 1 cup of pizza sauce on top. Still can't believe I forgot. :(
Grate some more parmesan cheese... It's supposed to be another 1/4 cup, but I just grated a handful...enough to spread on top of the mixture.
And layer it next AFTER the sauce. Don't forget. :)
Followed by 1/2 cup mozzarella... or however much you want...
And then add your toppings...
The finished product... I served it with garlic bread and it was really good!!! Great party app! Who doesn't love pizza!!
On our way home from France, we picked up two French cheese's. Brie and Camembert. I knew I couldn't leave without bringing some home...especially because they were the real deal. Marshall and I LOVE cheese, but have a harder time with the strong, smelly ones. Regardless, we wanted to give them a shot.
After a few days of our house smelling like ass (excuse my french)... I was certain they were going in the oven or in the dumpster. So I looked up a few recipes and decided on these two:
For the brie: First I chopped up 5 garlic cloves and minced about a tablespoon of fresh thyme.
Next I heated a large skillet with 2 tablespoons of butter and threw in 4 sliced onions. Saute them for like twenty minutes with the thyme added in too. They should be slightly golden brown.
Next add in the chopped garlic and continue cooking for 2-3 minutes.
Add in 1/4 cup white wine. Keep stirring until the liquid is about all evaporated.
Next pour about a teaspoon or so of sugar on top of the mixture and continue cooking for a few more minutes until golden brown. Add another 1/4 cup white wine and let it cook down until the liquid is gone. This is your mixture for on top of the brie.
Pour the onions on your triangle or wheel of brie (which is still in the box, but the top rind is cut off). This will bake for about 15 minutes or until the center is gooey.
The other cheese which picture is below is the Camembert. For this cheese, I just made a bunch of slits in the top and inserted pieces of chopped garlic. Then I inserted twigs of the fresh thyme and drizzled olive oil over the top. This only needs about 10 minutes in the oven.
This is how they turned out. I really enjoyed the brie, but the Camembert was a little too strong for me. Also... make sure to watch your cheese that it doesn't start melting out of the bottom. I wasn't thinking about it being in the box and having open slits and lost some cheese that way. Lesson learned. Also....make sure you keep them on a baking sheet while they are in the oven!
We served with baguettes and enjoyed this new and authentic appetizer!
I hope you all had a great weekend!! XOXO