Who knew?!
I know I have posted random thing's I've come across before... but here are a few more. Before I post them, I wanted to update on my New Years Goals so far.
My blogging has been successful... minus the days we were in Paris.
My read the Bible in one year plan is on track... I just have to catch up one day.
And my working out 5 times a week goal has gone down the drain already. Why does that always happen?! Aiyaiyaiya. Well... I pulled a muscle in my side last week... definitely not an excuse, but I hope to get back in the gym once it heals. Hopefully. :)
Ok. First things first. Being overseas you are constantly presented with the introduction of new people. With that, comes traditions and culture. Do you kiss one side of the cheek? Which side? Double kiss? Triple kiss? Shake hands? Hug? Nothing? Ahhhhh! I feel like its always awkward. Most often, you find them greeting by the double kiss.
Then you have the situation where you meet new Americans overseas in countries that double kiss and they want to greet you the same way. What the? :) Marshall gets really frustrated with this. He is like WE ARE AMERICANS! We don't do that! Haha... I don't really mind how I greet people as long as I know what is expected before. Anyways, I wish there was a book of world greetings that was universal to avoid bumping noses. :)
Do you know how many plastic grocery bags I have purchased in one year?! Too many to count. In Malta we have to buy our bags. And then I save them in the pantry in anticipation of stuffing them in my purse next time I go grocery shopping. Although I NEVER remember to take bags with me. I even have the reusable ones and forget those as well. So I always end up buying more. Annoying. I don't know what I'm going to do when I come home and someone bags my groceries for free for me! That just seems so weird.
I also randomly carry around ketchup packets in my purse. This is just weird and kind of gross but when you have to buy them for like .50 each ... and then don't use them all, I just toss them in my purse for next time. My family used to always ask me if I wanted to eat a little chicken with my ketchup so maybe that's why this is a big deal. Maybe. :)
Ok... so I am sure this is old news and since I'm still learning how to cook... I am still googling random tips about preparing food. Garlic. Love it. Hate the smell that radiates from my fingers after. I am sure there are different methods but I tried the one of washing with soap and water (obviously) and then putting some salt on your fingers... and washing them again. It worked! Thank the good Lord. I read the stainless steel stones work really well too so maybe I need to purchase one of those.
Onions. I always cry. It's actually not hard to make me cry but the onion is a guaranteed striker. So a friend of mine was telling me that if you breathe out of your mouth while cutting it, it wont make you tear up. Wouldn't you know it worked! Like really worked. I was shocked...and definitely excited to find this out!
This past week my stomach was really upset. I wasn't really sure what was wrong and it lasted quite a few days. Well one morning I woke up and my tongue was BLACK! I was freaking out. Couldn't think of what in the world I ate or did to make my tongue black!! I tried to remember if I had some late night oreos maybe... but I knew I didn't. Then I remembered I took Pepto before I went to sleep. So I got on google and saw all these posts from other people about black tongues after taking pepto. I was just happy it wasn't some random disease!! So now you know if it ever happens to you!
(I googled black tongues from pepto to get a picture not thinking about how disgusting they would be. No, definitely not posting those. Gross!)
I hope everyone is having a great week!! Time for this girl to get some sleep! XOXO