Tuesday, January 31, 2012

I'm linking up with Megan today with her Sometimes And Always...

Sometimes:  I think about how ridiculous The Bachelor show is.
Always:  I can't wait for Tuesday morning to stream it on fast pass.

Sometimes:  I lay around all day doing nothing...
Always:  I am like superwoman the last hour trying to clean the house and shower before Marshall gets home.

Sometimes:  I am so full after dinner that I'm confident I will not want any sweets later.
Always:  Within an hour or two I'm digging in the chocolate.

Sometimes:  I watch so many episodes of The Kardashians in one day...
Always:  I walk away feeling like I actually know them and we are friends. 

Sometimes:  I am so ready to have a baby that I want to just stop taking my birth control.
Always:  I remember how important it is to me to be married first and think I just need to stick it out until the end of the year.

Sometimes:  I get so mad at Marshall when we play scrabble and he either gets good cheap words or blocks off sections.
Always:  I have to remind myself throughout the game that I hate when he acts like that and to pretend to be happy for him.  :)

Sometimes:  I really want my nails to be long and beautiful.
Always:  When they start to grow a little bit I pick at them because they are so thin, and they always end up ripping off.

Sometimes:  I try really hard to focus when I'm reading my Bible.
Always:  My mind tends to wander to my latest Pinterest findings.... (need to work on this.)

Sometimes:  I think about when we were kids...
Always:  I smile thinking about how much I loved Mario, climbing trees, playing kickball with the neighbor kids, taking nightly walks with my family to pick apples for a bedtime snack, and all the picnics and mini adventures my parents created for us!

Sometimes:  The garbage is so full and I know I should take it out...
Always:  I remember its Marshall's territory and I'll let him do it when he gets home.

Sometimes:  I wonder how I will deal if Marshall gets deployed again.
Always:  I know I'll find a way because life without him isn't a possibility.

I hope you are having a great start to the week!!  XOXO
Quotes are the little things in life that make me smile...

Here are a few that I've fallen in love with lately.  Either for sweet sentimental value, or because they made me laugh.  Enjoy!

Hahaha... so so true!  Would be funny to create the spider webs and have hidden cameras to catch people's reactions!

Well said... 

I say this to Marshall all the time.  Being held down and tickled is such torture! 

Hahaha... sounds great in theory! :)

This made me laugh too.  Definitely have been guilty of this before!  I used to think I would just play dead too... they would never know right?!  Hahaha

This is great motivation for me because its incredibly true.  Not only in fitness and health, but in how I treat others and what I spend my days on.  Fulfilling my passion?  Pursuing my dreams?  Good to ponder...

Marshall's brother and sister in law just had to say goodbye to their unborn baby boy this past weekend.  My heart just hurts for them and I can't imagine how you deal with such a sad loss.  I loved this quote and think only God's word would be able to help me through the tough times.  And hugs.

I couldn't agree with this more.  I feel like I have learned so much about myself, the world, and others through traveling.  To me, it seems like the best investment!

Ok, let's be honest here.  Would facebook and pinterest have anything to do with this? :) 

This seriously happens to me more times than it should.  I REALLY need to start working again.  I'm losing my 5th grade basic skills!

Always.  And Marshall wonders why his clothes don't fit him anymore. ;)

Lol...no comment.

I love this.  So sweet.  I would say it was true for us the third time we saw each other.  But then again we were in Africa and he was the only one for me to look at.  :)  Just kidding...

I love this.  It will be framed in our home.

It saddens me how many hungry people there are in this world.  All it takes is for all of us to just help one person...  We can all make a difference!!

Happy Monday!!