Dear Sweet Lila...
Today, Mommy and Daddy's life was FOREVER changed!! You are the beautiful miracle we have been praying for! You, my baby girl, were very anxious to come into this world! You were born 5 weeks early on April 23 and scared Momma to death! You were born so fast that I didn't even have time for an epidural! Although it was extremely painful, the moment I heard you cry, I was extremely peaceful and relaxed. They let me hold you for a quick minute before they took you back to check you out. Within just one hour, the nurses brought you into our room and said you had been breathing on your own and were just PERFECT!! I cried the happiest tears of my life!
You were so tiny and just beautiful. Our little angel!
Then your daddy held you. And I broke into tears again. It was the most magical moment I've ever seen! And let me tell you sweet girl, I was a little nervous because daddy has never really been around babies before. Thank GOODNESS God gave him a natural gift because seeing the two of you snuggling together just melted my heart!!
We took you home two days later and even though the nurses said you were fine, your Momma really wasn't. I was an emotional disaster and felt very unprepared. Thank goodness Nana and Papa drove right down from Ohio to see you and help us out! You had some trouble breathing and although the doctor that listened to your lungs said you were fine, Momma just didn't trust him. So for your first month, Daddy and I took turns sleeping and watching over you. I'm sure we were crazy... but really it was a crazy love and I refused to let anything happen to my baby girl!!
Your first month was a lot of sleeping, eating, and hiccups. Poor girl you had the hiccups everyday in my belly and still have them everyday now! They make you angry and your tiny body like convulses! I wish I could take them from you!
You are wearing some preemie and newborn clothes. Your arms and legs are too long for the preemies though so pretty much everything you wear doesn't fit right! You are eating 1-2 ounces every 1 1/2-2 hours. Momma has to change your diaper and play with your feet to keep you awake sometimes but since you are just a little peanut I have to make sure you are growing! You also hate to be naked (Daddy is very happy about this!) and your arms flail around all the time! You were very awake for your first bath! Even though you were not happy about being naked, the sound of daddy's voice and the fact that you could hold onto him calmed you down!
Daddy took 3 weeks off work to spend time with you! He really loves you Lila! He is so gentle and protective. I know I can trust him with you too because he knows all the right ways to feed, soothe, and love on you! Your favorite way to sleep is on Daddy's chest. I think its Daddy's favorite way too because he usually falls asleep with you!
Momma decorated your room very southern with all ivorys and cream colors. I made almost everything myself and even though Daddy says the room is for me and not you, I know you secretly love it too!
Our love for you has grown more and more each day you are with us. We still cannot believe God has given us YOU! You are our whole world and we can't imagine not having our sweet girl! You make our family whole and bring us more joy and love than we knew was possible! Thank you Lila Jade for being the best baby we could ask for! Your Momma and Daddy love you more than you will ever know!!