Why he is the one...
There is a song by Ben Folds called The Luckiest. I think it fits perfectly. I truly feel like I am the luckiest girl in the world. Not only did I find the perfect man for me, but I know he is the one God picked as well. Here are a few reasons why... (p.s... this is kind of a gag post. Sorry in advance :)
He loves me unconditionally. When I decide to break out into an awkward dance or sing Mariah Carey at the top of my lungs...he laughs and says Oh babe. Sometimes he sings along ;) shhh.
He is the perfect balance. He definitely has the tough, rugged, Marine side to him, but he also is compassionate and communicates well. I'm so thankful he can separate work and home.
He is my hero. His dedication to his country and his mission is something I've never known before. He is so selfless. I am learning so much from him.
He loves to be playful and has a witty sense of humor. As much as I whine when he holds me in his farts or scares me when I walk into a room... I love that he is such a kid at heart. He ALWAYS is making me laugh. Usually to the point of tears. :)
He is honest and loyal. I know without a doubt that I can trust him. That is one of the greatest gifts to me.
He is Adventurous. Spontaneous. Dangerous. There is something pretty sexy about that.
He shares almost all of the same interests as me. I really wish he wouldn't complain so much when I want to watch The Devil Wears Prada... but I guess I should be thankful he is a good sport. We love to play games, watch sports, spend time with our families, and hang out at cool local pubs.
He is super supportive when it comes to being away from home. He knows how close I am with my family and is always offering to let me go home at any time if I need to. He also hugs me when I cry because I just miss them so much.
He lets me be me. I know I'm anal sometimes and I like things certain ways. I love holiday decorating and celebrating everything. I like to bake and be creative. I'm always wanting to start a new project. He is pretty great at letting me do my thing. He only reminds me to not get too crazy. :)
He is my safe haven. I think if we can live through the Tunisian revolution together, we can survive anything. Even though we weren't together through that scary period... just hearing his voice and reassuring words were all I needed. He helped me through the most difficult time in my life. This picture is from the first day we were allowed out!!
He is the most amazing protector and provider. He is my superman. I feel like he could take on the world and anyone who messed with me. It's a pretty great feeling to have such a tough man by your side. :) I feel so safe in his arms. I just love it.
(yes this thing was trying to rent a room for the night...thank goodness Marshall was home)
He is going to be the most amazing daddy. I think it was the first thing I fell in love with... When we were in Burundi together and he came out to play with me and the street kids, he was a natural. He jumped right in and started kicking the ball around with them, picking them up and swinging them. Hugging them. Being involved. He cared. Genuinely... and it stole my heart.
He loves Jesus and shares great conversations with me.
He is very respectful. Although he can be quite the smart ass and funny guy, he has utmost respect for so many people. I admire how he handles relationships.
He just makes me the happiest girl in the world. From the beginning of our relationship, a song would play often that we fell in love with. Its One More Day by Diamond Rio. It has kind of been our theme song, because all we ever prayed for was One More Day together. God has blessed us more than words can explain... and nothing will make me happier than spending the rest of my life with this man. I can't wait to be Mrs. Jessica Blair and start a family together!!
Take time today to tell someone how much they mean to you. Each day is definitely a gift...cliche or not, its the truth. Happy Hump Day!! xoxoxo
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